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JBL Control 45CT | 5.25" takinnfellingshøyttaler, 8 ohh/100/70V, 120 gr spredning

The Control 45C/T is a premium in-ceiling professional loudspeaker designed for applications that can benefit from extremely wide bandwidth and very consistent coverage from a ceiling speaker with a small footprint.

JBL Control 47CT PL | takinnfellingshøyttaler, 8 ohm og 100/70V, 120 gr spredning

Wide-coverage, extended bass ceiling Speaker feature RBI. 6.5" two-way, 120 deg consistent coverage, 55 Hz - 20 kHz, 91 dB sens, taps at 60W, 30W, 15W (and 7.5W @ 70V) plus 8 ohm direct. (priced as each, sold in pairs.)

JBL Control 47HC | takinnfellingshøyttaler, 8 ohm og 100/70V, 75 gr spredning

High-ceiling, narrow-coverage version of C47 featuring RBI technology. Specs same as C47C/T except: Well-defined 75 deg coverage and 93 dB sens. (prices as each, sold in pairs.)

JBL Control 47LP PL | takinnfellingshøyttaler, 8 ohm og 100/70V, 120 gr, lav profil

Built on the same platform as the Control 47C/T, the Control 47CT LP is a low-profile model intended for locations with limited above-ceiling clearance (only 5.6 inches deep)