Televic CoCon Discussion | basis programvare

Get the cornerstone of your meeting covered: configure the room, manage the meeting, and control the system. All in a one simple to use application.
Fabrikant: Televic
LydRommet SKU: 326-00010
Fabrikantens SKU: 71.98.1101
CoCon is a software suite for conference management & assistance, that opens up a host of options and configuration setting to control every aspect of the meeting experience.

The software interacts with the central conference unit to enable various functionalities and views on the conference. That is why CoCon is conceived as a clientserver framework.

CoCon is a software suite for conference management & assistance, that opens up a host of options and configuration setting to control every aspect of the meeting experience.

The software interacts with the central conference unit to enable various functionalities and views on the conference. That is why CoCon is conceived as a clientserver framework.

Anders Nannestad
Tlf: 23 23 28 11
Mob: 91 74 82 31